
CombatLogX is a pvp-based plugin that punishes players for logging out during combat.
There are many configuration options, such as punishment type and commands.
CombatLogX also has a lot of expansions that are used to add extra features and keep the main plugin lightweight.

Supported Spigot Versions

1.8.8, 1.12.2, 1.16.5, 1.17.1

External Links

Source Code: GitHub: CombatLogX Source

Contributors: GitHub: CombatLogX Contributors

Donation Link: PayPal: Donate to SirBlobman


Developer API

CombatLogX offers a useful API. You can find out more information by clicking on the following link:

GitHub: CombatLogX API

Installation Guide

  1. Make sure your server is completely stopped.
  2. Make sure all dependencies listed above are installed on your server.
  3. Download the '' file through SpigotMC (Stable) or Jenkins (Beta).
  4. Extract the 'CombatLogX.jar' file from the zip into the '/plugins/' folder of your server.
  5. Create a new folder called '/plugins/CombatLogX/expansions/' on your server.
  6. Extract the expansion jar files into your '/plugins/CombatLogX/expansions/' folder of your server.
  7. Start your server so that the configuration files can be generated.
  8. Stop your server and then edit the configuration files with the settings that you wish to use.
  9. While your server is stopped, you can also remove any expansion jar files that you will not be using.
  10. Start your server and enjoy using CombatLogX!

Main Features

Included Expansions

A list of expansions that are included in the file can be seen below.
You can click the name of each expansion to find out more about them.
Expansions are not plugins but they do work similarly.
You install them by putting the jar file into /plugins/CombatLogX/expansions/.

Feature Expansions:

The following expansions add features to CombatLogX.

Compatibility Expansions:

The following expansions add support for other plugins into CombatLogX.


You can choose whether to download the following versions:
SpigotMC: stable version with fewer expansions and features.
Jenkins: beta version with new features, updates, and expansions.